Single to Married

Single to Married

How do we get from single to married without screwing it up? Good question…

Sometimes we never make it out of the single zone, because we aren't willing to compromise.
I mean really who doesn’t like sleeping horizontal in the bed. And after a certain age single people tend to get set in their ways and aren't willing to give in. With marriage or just a relationship period you have to be willing to give and take a little. You have to realize it's not all about you. (What do you mean it’s not about me, I am uber fabulous people? Think about it why should I share my chocolate double dipped vanilla ice cream cone with someone that’s going to slob all on it? LOL )

Naw seriously in a relationship the world revolves around both of you.
So many relationship fail, because one is dominant, one is too passive or they just may not know how to approach a situation. So making it down the aisle becomes almost non-existent. Not saying that it won't happen just saying the road maybe rocky and you have to be willing to take a couple of bumps and bruises.

Relationships aren’t easy and they take a lot of work from both parties. It shouldn’t be the guy always giving and it shouldn’t be the woman always taking or vice versa. It should be evenly distributed.
Also don't ignore the red flags they mean something.... we often ignore those red flags, but sitting across from a divorce lawyer you’re thinking damn I could have saved 3 grand if I just would have looked into those red flags.

Going from single to married is a big step, but it is possible if you follow these steps:

1. You have to be open to change.

2. You have to trust each other.

3. Make sure you discuss each other debt problems and any bad habits.

4. Keep family out of your relationship (married or single)

5. Be willing to compromise, even when you don't want too.

6. Did I mention to make sure to keep those relatives out of your relationship?

7. Be patient with each other. Rome wasn’t built overnight and neither will your relationship.

8. Pray daily

9. Be faithful to each other (mentally and physically - no side booty, side chick, maintenance man, none of that.)

10. Love each other unconditionally.

Remember we all are human and marriage is one of those things that if you are bless to do it. Make it count and if you get divorce and remarry continue to make every moment with him or her count. Don’t be afraid to make time for them, respect them, and be realistic with your wants and needs. Let me say that last one again BE REALISTIC WITH YOUR WANTS AND NEEDS. I wish you well on your journey.

Miracles and Blessings -



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