Five reason Black Women Should Check their Attitude

So as black women we have to do better when it comes to our attitude about things. Five reasons I think we should do better are listed below:

1. Because you aren't always right. Other people have an opinion too. Your word isn't the be all and end all.

2. Setting a better example of what a proud black women can and will be. We all aren't angry,loud, rude or disorderly. Some of us actually have our shit together.

3. You will run off a good man. I will hear some of you say if he is a good man than he shouldn't run. Well a lot of good men that know their worth and what they want out of life really ain't gonna take too much B.S. off of a women. Hell some beautiful celebrity women can't keep a man because of her attitude.

4. In the work place you make other races think all black women have the same work ethic. Well I am here to say that is false. I will work you under the table before I let you put me in that same category.

5. What example are you setting for your daughter's. They watch every thing you do and if you are disrespectful to your mate, or other people. That is what you are teaching your daughter to do.


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