Closing the Book

Knowing when it is time to close the book on a relationship is hard.

Recently I went through a breakup with someone. We dated for about 10 months before I decided I couldn't take anymore of the relationship. The relationship had some challenges from the beginning. One was giving and the other was willfully taking. That has been my downfall in relationships. I am a giver and most men I date seem to be takers.

I really should change the type of men I date right. Yeah I think so too. Anyways after months of being neglected emotionally. Him hiding secrets and dealing with what he said was depression. I just couldn't do it anymore. I think my breaking point was I spent Christmas and New Years 2016 alone. He claim he had went to church with his family from out of state. I actually found out he was in another state with his new baby mama. Yes, you read that correctly he used church as a cover up, but was really with a baby mama I didn't even knew he had.  Not just a baby mama, but a whole new kid. How the hell do you hide that? Nine months of pregnancy and a baby mama.. Anyways we broke up and tried to remain friends.

That shit didn't work either. He felt like I had betrayed him and shouldn't voice my emotional distress so boisterous at him. Y'all I was on some serious N#$%@ please tip. I guess he needed closer or wanted to get me back for spasming out on him. So the first chance he got old boy took it and lashed out at me.

This is where I close the book. I can no longer be his friend. I already knew I could never be in another relationship with him. Stupidity lead me to believe we could remain friends. However, sometimes that isn't the best thing to do. It's best the close the book and never open it. If anything have a book  burning of all your past relationships and move forward with a new one.

So as of today I have closed the book on a bad relation / friendship. May peace be upon him.


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