Watch the ones you call Friend
Watch the ones that you call your friend.
I have learned over the years that women friends are no different than male friends. Some will be happy that you have someone in your life. Others will be low key haters. Now you can almost miss the low key hater if you don't watch ques and little sly remarks.
These friends are quick to bring up issues from past relationships. For instance tell them about the wonderful man or women you just met and watch the hating begin. They tend to remind you of all the things you said about your ex when you first started dating. And end with the comment of you see how that turned out. Low key hating in your face.
Every relationship and person is different. I am learning not to tell people in my circle about any new relationships I start, because of the hating. I will have friends that will have someone laying next to them every night, but will want you to be single and lonely. What the hell? I mean really dude so I'm not good enough for a mate? Freaking haters. So I just keep most things to myself.
From me to you watch those friends that are low key haters.
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