Cafe Desire

The scene is set and the vibe in the room is just right. This tall, handsome, sexy chocolate looking brutha walks through the doors.
Demanding the attention of every female in attendance. He was well dressed from head to toe. Clothes hugging his limbs in all the right places. Enough to drive a women insane. 
" Good God", the heavens were gracious when they made him. The voice of Billy Dee and the swagger of Marvin Gaye the brutha was bad.
As he crosses the room he makes eye contact with each women he passes. A wink here, a hello there. My eyes never leaving his... I am watching as he comes closer, heart pounding a nervous ache in my belly, but a longing desire of knowing his touch ohhhh .. too well. 
A women with a dress so tight you could see her heart beating, stops him. For a second I feel like I have been saved by her distraction. He acknowledges her and sends her on her way. He's closer now. My breathing is a littler heavier. 
"Hello Sexy", for a minute I'm lost in his voice. It resonates through my soul. "Baby you okay?", he ask. A small yes escapes my lips. He leans in with a warm inviting kiss. Lips so soft, tongue warm and enticing. Lord I love this man. All the ladies stare in disbelief. As he pulls me closer and say's I've missed you my love. I close my eyes breathing in his scent... still can't believe this Greek God belongs to me. My lover, my soulmate, my husband..

Lady CA


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