In my feelings

So lately I have been feeling a little blue. And this feeling happens whether your single, married or in a committed relationship. Sometimes you just feel like they don't understand. And it's true they don't.
They may love you unconditionally, but may never understand what ail's you.
Sometimes your outer feature my not show the deep desire to escape. People may honestly think you are okay.
If you haven't been there keep living I think women experience this more than men. Women are the caregivers, mommy, bae, sweetie and are expected to be strong. But who's going to be there for us? Who's going to pick up the pieces when we fall apart?
Don't forget to take care of your spouse make time for them ask if they are okay and be willing to listen. It's not beneath you to listen, when you want sex you expect them to put out so damnit sit your ass in a chair and listen. This goes for both sexes. Your in a relationship to better each other not tear  each other down or use them. Everyone's emotions counts.


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