Never give up on LOVE ... cc2023

So it's been a while since I wrote an insert on my blog; been over a year now. I have been waiting on something to say to you all. So much has happened. I tried to rekindle an old relationship I thought was love and lost. 2022 was a Bitch. I spent most of the year looking for a place to live, and my life was pretty much shut down. It wasn't perfect, and I gained so much weight. I didn't know who I was; I wasn't Char anymore. I was becoming this middle, age Bitter Black Woman. ( And I didn't want to be her ass; EVER) Really glad I am turning a new season of change. ( Sage really works) Recently re-found love again in a much younger man. Felt like Stella got her groove back. LOL He actually makes me very happy and keeps me young physically. I have always felt young at heart, but now I feel young at heart, mind, and body. Let's not leave out the sex; it is so good, girl. Let me tell ya, I have been with different men in my lifetime, but this right here, my sister, this right here, this right here is that kryptocranolyte ( in my Kat Williams voice). I wasn't even trying to fall in love, and it just happened. One day, it hit like a ton of bricks. You really love this guy. Love is strange; no matter how hard you fight against it, one day, it just shows up and says hidey ho. The crazy thing is, just as fast as it shows up, that bitch will run away. So I try not to put too much of myself out there and play this by ear. Defiantly, trying not to get my face smashed and my heart ripped out of my chest. I plan to enjoy the ride and not get hurt too badly. All I can do is keep moving and not let anyone change my view of love and loving different people who come into my life. Remember, never give up on LOVE...


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