
So I try to be as transparent as I can about my life and still be private. Lately alot has my marriage of 3 years as come to an end. Honestly I ain't even mad, a little hurt sure but you can love a person and love yourself enough to know it's no longer a good fit. 
I always tell y'all your happiness matters more than making someone else happy. People come and go but your happiness is all you have. So from this point on this black girl is rocking this life out.
I turned 45 a month ago and had all kinds of epiphanies. Being selfish right now,  Covid-19 got a chick on look down from traveling like I want but I am going to live, be happy and have some good sex along the way. 😄
Be bless y'all happy Thursday.  

Miracles and Blessings- Char


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