
Showing posts from July, 2017

Inner Peace

I am seeking inner peace and life balance. True happiness will never be achieved until you have inner peace and calm the raging storm going on inside of you. How can someone love you if you can't love yourself? Learning to love me and seek a healthy balance. Learning to not stress out about people or material things. What is for me God will give it to me.

Relationship or Not

The older I get I have realized people aren't seeking relationships. I mean maybe I should just be transparent and say that I haven't met a man that wanted to be in a meaning relationship with me. Men now a days will make plans to sleep with you, but will not make plans to spend time with you outside the bedroom. They will come up with every excuse like I had to work or my kids needed me. Yet you can carve out hour to hour an half to sleep with someone. So I am setting no expectations when it comes to finding a meaningful relationship. Learning to love being alone and preparing myself to be alone if God doesn't send someone my way.

Don't Settle (even if you have someone)

Settling is so dangerous. I watch so many people settle after finding a mate. Even though you are in a relationship don't settle. What I mean is...... don't stop making yourself up everyday. Put on your makeup, keep your hair done, keeping dressing nice. Don't start dressing all homey after you get in a serious relationship.  Stay attractive.... The same way you were dressing attractive to get that person continue to do those things. No one wants someone that's not going to put effort into their appearance. So don't get relaxed. Never settle....

Your Touch

The need for your touch has me so gone. I can't figure out if it is right or wrong. The way you caress my chest and the way you ease up into my warm, wet love nest. Makes my desire for you so strong. I swear I can't tell if it is right or wrong. Cause when our body's connect they play that oh so familiar song. In and out...up and down..long stroke..short stroke. Two bodies moving to that familiar song. I swear I can't tell if it is right our wrong. Cause your touch has me so gone. 

You get what you ask for..

We all have asked for something and when it happen wasn't prepared for it. You know that prayer where you ask God for a new car and he makes it happen but 3 months into having the  car you can't afford the gas. Same thing happens in relationships stop asking for things to happen when you aren't  mentally, physically or financially prepared for it. And if what you prayed for does come to life damnit don't complain. You asked for it and the universe gave  it to you. So suck it up butter cup.

Five reason Black Women Should Check their Attitude

So as black women we have to do better when it comes to our attitude about things. Five reasons I think we should do better are listed below: 1. Because you aren't always right. Other people have an opinion too. Your word isn't the be all and end all. 2. Setting a better example of what a proud black women can and will be. We all aren't angry,loud, rude or disorderly. Some of us actually have our shit together. 3. You will run off a good man. I will hear some of you say if he is a good man than he shouldn't run. Well a lot of good men that know their worth and what they want out of life really ain't gonna take too much B.S. off of a women. Hell some beautiful celebrity women can't keep a man because of her attitude. 4. In the work place you make other races think all black women have the same work ethic. Well I am here to say that is false. I will work you under the table before I let you put me in that same category. 5. What example are you setting for you...

We all want this...I know I do..


Energy Changers

Beware of transfer of energy. People will be so f#$%ed up mentally and emotionally that they will try to transfer that same negative energy into your life. Just look at them smile and say nope not today we good. Do you boo and walk away. Cause remember their problem isn't always with you . You're just the person they are taking it out on. So bounce... 

Watch the ones you call Friend

Watch the ones that you call your friend. I have learned over the years that women friends are no different than male friends. Some will be happy that you have someone in your life. Others will be low key haters. Now you can almost miss the low key hater if you don't watch ques and little sly remarks. These friends are quick to bring up issues from past relationships. For instance tell them about the wonderful man or women you just met and watch the hating begin. They tend to remind you of all the things you said about your ex when you first started dating. And end with the comment of you see how that turned out. Low key hating in your face. Every relationship and person is different. I am learning not to tell people in my circle about any new relationships I start, because of the hating. I will have friends that will have someone laying next to them every night, but will want you to be single and lonely. What the hell? I mean really dude so I'm not good enough for a m...

Know when to Walk Away.


Inner and Outer Beauty


Closing the Book

Knowing when it is time to close the book on a relationship is hard. Recently I went through a breakup with someone. We dated for about 10 months before I decided I couldn't take anymore of the relationship. The relationship had some challenges from the beginning. One was giving and the other was willfully taking. That has been my downfall in relationships. I am a giver and most men I date seem to be takers. I really should change the type of men I date right. Yeah I think so too. Anyways after months of being neglected emotionally. Him hiding secrets and dealing with what he said was depression. I just couldn't do it anymore. I think my breaking point was I spent Christmas and New Years 2016 alone. He claim he had went to church with his family from out of state. I actually found out he was in another state with his new baby mama. Yes, you read that correctly he used church as a cover up, but was really with a baby mama I didn't even knew he had.  Not just a baby mama,...