What are Guy's Intentions?

As a single dating woman, I often wonder what is the guy's intention? Especially when we meet for the first time.

There are so many thoughts that race through my mind. I wonder, does he really like me? Could it be finance or is he looking for support? Maybe it's sex? As a woman, we mentality start tearing ourselves apart, which is crazy if you ask me. You never can tell a person's intentions from the beginning. To be honest you may not see the real person until 6 months to a year later. I know, crazy.

So many different types of guys out here. There are some guys that are brutally honest and will tell you that they just want sex with no strings attached. There’s the guy that has a woman at home and strictly just wants sex from you or another place he can go when the woman at home gets on his nerves. These guys I hate the most. They are dangerous to your physical and mental health. Others will string you along until the next fat booty comes along.

Also, there's the guy that you have no idea what the hell he wants? This guy is so good at hiding his intentions and will make you believe the world beginnings and ends with you. When his only intention is to get whatever he can out of you. No matter the cost, doesn't matter if you can't afford it. He will whine and finesse his way into getting what he desires. This is the guy you should keep a close eye on if you can recognize him. This guy will hurt you and leave you wondering what the hell you did wrong, when the whole time it wasn't you; his intentions were never genuine.

When I moved to Atlanta, I used to swear there was a Welcome to Atlanta man's manual that was handed out to all the men that cross into Georgia. The preface read "Don't Fu$% this up!!! We already have a system that works."

I felt like all the guys were reading and playing from the same hand book of Pro All-stars of Atlanta.

Which left single women at a disadvantage. Women here can't catch a break with these guys. These guys have read that freaking handbook from cover to cover. Not missing a word or a play. The how-to manual of head games, false hopes, and how to have multiple relationships without getting caught. I mean really can the sisters get a break? Or at least a real man that is genuine? Now, this handbook doesn't really exist, but I swear these guys are on the same brain wave. Maybe it's the water?

However, I do know that guys' intentions are so warped that women have decided it is better to be single and not date these trifling men. Crazy thing, it's all men, doesn't matter the nationality. Once crossing into Georgia, men receive that "Don't Fu%& This Up” invisible handbook.

Which leads to my final thought. How are we, as single women, going to recognize which guy that has true intentions of getting to know you? The guy that wants to know you and only you. Your favorite color, favorite flower, and has no hang ups. I am beyond perplexed on this issue.

However, with all the challenges I may face. I will continue to look for my guy. How about you?


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