Where have you been??

Where have I been in the last year? Why have I neglected my blog? Sigh... where do I start. 
Here is some transparency for you.
A lot happen last year. I lost my dad and my maternal grandmother with 1 week of each other. My heart was torn apart. 
To make matters worst my father new wife of four years left me out of the picture of planning for my father funeral. She even left me out of the family car the day of the funeral. 
Yes, can you believe that I had to drive to my own father's funeral. I know what the fuck. That bitch. 
Well it happen. Now I can't  just bash her without bashing my oldest sibling. I felt betrayed by him. I was like dude speak up for your sisters don't  kiss her ass.
It failed brutally. He sided with her and they had a probate court session. Which didn't  include myself or my sister. So 2019 was this horrible bitch of a year. (STILL DEALING WITH THAT SHIT)
So I went underground to try to find myself again and be whole. Listening to self help books and Soca music. My favorite book is UnFu*K Yourself. Literally my favorite it was this slap back to reality.  You have to get the audiobook and listen to it in traffic. 
I am back and ready to give you all some good content.. 
Miracles and Blessings Loves


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