Wonderful Life

This has been a really wonderful life. Honestly, I wouldn't change anything about my life.
The men that have come and gone. The heartaches, the lonely nights made me a better woman.
I am far from perfect and yes I recently got married almost 6 months ago. Let's see well 7 months ago.
Honey child we have had our times of trouble water and misunderstandings. But you know what we are human. I am far from perfect and I would like to think at 42 soon to be 43 that I am still a work in progress.
I am me... What can I say sometimes we carry baggage from past relationships into our new one. Lord knows letting that baggage go is fucking hard. It's almost like you need to reset your brain to help you forget all the bullshit from past relationships.
I will tell you this I will keep fighting for mines if you keep fighting for yours. Ladies, there will be women coming at your man and hell if you live in Atlanta area trannies, bi-sexuals and everything else. It ain't any different for the men. Men all different sexual types will come after your women. And honey child my LGBTQ you are not exempt. We all have to fight for our relationships. We all are fighting different battles.


Yeah, I have a potty mouth but it makes me CHAR. Live in your truth and rock this life out.

Miracles and Blessings,



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