aren’t easy they are a lot of work. They can be stressful, challenging and downright
hard. So many of us throw in the towel without even fighting for what you want.
However, when you find that special someone a real relationship can be so meaningful,
full of passion, laughter, nurturing and unconditional love.
We all
at some point were or are looking for that special someone to live this life
with, to travel with, to eat dinners with, to make love too. In 2018 take the
time to get to know yourself and improve the person in the mirror. Once you
improve yourself work on being a better partner, even if you feel like you are
good lover. Remember we can all improve on being a better lover, better
partner, better wife, or better husband. Take time to listen with understanding
instead of listening to respond.
be patient, don’t demand so much and remember men have feelings too. If you
have a good man ease up on him, cause remember the sad reality is that there is
another woman waiting on the shadows on him when he is at his weakest.
be nurturing, listen with understanding and remember you can’t fix everything,
sometimes she’s just venting and need your ear to hear. Don’t see it as
nagging, cause in your case just like her another man, be it her work husband
or another man lurking is waiting for her moment of weakness.
Be each
other's strength in time of weakness. Love each other with a open hurt and let
the past go. I am currently single but once I find my KING he will be loved
unconditionally, and I will be his strength when he is weak, and he will do the
same for me.
and Blessings - Char
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