Love hidden in plain sight....

Have you ever really love or like someone and they don't notice you? A lot of people happily ever after is staring them in the face. They could be your business partner, guy or girl next door, childhood friend or your co-worker in the next cubicle or the person at your favorite restaurant that knows your order without you telling them. 

I remember meeting guys and have them just see me as a sister or a great business partner. All I could think is what am I chopped liver. Really dude what is it ? The fact that maybe you are afraid I might hold you to a higher standard?  Or you just might live up to your greatest potential while dating me. Oh wait I'm not your type . RIIIIGGGHHHHTTTTT  SMH

Yeah, I am different than some females. I know a lot about different guy stuff. But did it ever dawn on these idiots that I know so much stuff, because I am a true lover of men. I love a masculine, athletic, tall, well spoken, tattooed , yet sophisticated men. OH My God don't let him smell good on top of all of that. I am truly a sucker for an attractive man doesn't matter the race, creed or color if it is a man. I am in aww. 

Yet. I get put in the friend zone or the user ( I can depend on her ) zone. Lately my bullshit radar has been on high and every man I meet I feel like these suckers have an agenda. So now I am fully guarded and like boo please what makes you different from the others?

 If it looks like a duck and quack like a duck hunny child it is a freaking duck.. QUACK , QUACK.. lol

However, some of us are missing our happily ever after.


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