Love Songs

Remember when love songs said everything you wanted to say. Those break up to make up songs. The late nights listening to the Quiet Storm on the radio as a teenager. Some maybe too young to remember but, that was when all the love songs played. You would sneak on the phone late at night making a request when you was supposed to be in bed. Next day meeting up with your boyfriend or girlfriend at school. Everyone saying ahhhhhh I heard y'all song. Moving into adulthood those love songs became the songs you made love too or knocked the boots too. Man I miss the 90's. Where did all the real singers go. Now in my mid-forties Saturday and Sunday nights are our night for love songs. Songs help you remember what love is all about. Help you remember why you feel in or out of love. One thing is for sure when you can't find the words find a song that can say it for you.. Miracles and Blessings luv's